
Eternal Bloom - A Pintopia Project

Created by Allison Weyda Illustration

Eternal Bloom is a collection of enamel pin designs I created out of a desire to make art that reflects the temporal and eternal, bringing it together into an ethereal garden. I also just like the aesthetic of statues and flowers together...

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Surveys Have Been Sent! 📣
5 days ago – Fri, Mar 07, 2025 at 06:12:24 AM

Hello All!

A large majority of the Smoke Test surveys were completed without incident, so I have sent out all surveys! If you didn't get an email regarding your survey, you should be able to see it when you log in to Backerkit.

Via the survey, you can finalize your pledge, add anything else you'd like, input your shipping info, and pay tax & shipping. Filling out your surveys will help us gauge how many of each pin to order, so please get them in as soon as you can! Remember, if you don't fill out your survey then I can't send your items to you!

I currently plan to lock surveys in about 2 weeks, or possibly sooner depending on how quickly they are filled out. I will send out reminders as time goes on!

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about your order. You can email me here: [email protected] - I'll do my best to answer!


Smoke Test Surveys are Out!
9 days ago – Mon, Mar 03, 2025 at 01:46:27 PM

Hi Everyone!

Just a short update to let you know that Smoke Test surveys have been sent out!

These surveys are sent to a random selection of 5% of backers and are meant to identify any issues before surveys are sent to everyone. If you receive a survey, please fill it out ASAP and PLEASE report any problems to me immediately.

If any items are missing, shipping prices look incorrect, or you cannot choose an add-on you want, please let me know of any issues via email : [email protected]

Once these issues are identified and fixed, all surveys will be sent to all backers!

Also, the Preorder store is open, so if you did not get to back the project and are still interested, you can check it out here.


🌟Working On the Next Steps!🌟
22 days ago – Tue, Feb 18, 2025 at 12:42:00 PM

Hello Everyone!

Thank you all so much for such a fantastic campaign! ❤️

All of you who have pledged should have been charged once the campaign ended for only the amount you pledged. You will be charged for shipping later on after surveys are completed.

If you haven't been charged or your payment has failed, please check your payment information.
You can do that by clicking "Your Pledges & Surveys" from your profile menu, selecting "Eternal Bloom" and checking if the charge has been successful. 

If you have any questions, please email me @ [email protected]

I'm now working on the surveys and the preorder shop. I will send out another update once they've been approved and published so that you can select which pins and add-ons you want for you pledge!

Have a great week! ❤️

📣Only 48 hours Left! + Updates!📣
29 days ago – Tue, Feb 11, 2025 at 08:44:46 AM

Hello Everyone!

Just a reminder that Pintopia ends on February 13th 1pm EST! So there's about 48 hours left to pledge!

Since the previous update, we have met our last Stretch Goal and unlocked the final design, Initium! Now all pin designs are unlocked and available!

I have also updated the art a bit on both the retuning backer sticker:

And the Juno pin, so there are actually flowers to make it match the other designs:

With only two days left of the live campaign, now's the time to finalize your pledges! Don't forget too, if you back both my project, and my campaign partner's JBlake Design's project Rebirth and Ruin, you'll also get an additional freebie pin from each of us!

I am so excited to end this campaign so strongly with all of you backers! Thanks for all of the support so far!


🌷New Stretch Goal Pin Design!🌷
about 1 month ago – Wed, Feb 05, 2025 at 07:30:41 AM

Hello Everyone!

I just added a new stretch goal pin design to unlock!🌷

Initium is a new type of design for the collection that features a small, faceted acrylic raindrop charm that hangs from the center. This design will be unlocked once we reach $7000 in funding!

Thank you for all of your support so far and stay tuned for further updates!
